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Top layers are extra layers that are placed on top of the main mattress of our bed. They are designed to provide extra comfort and support during sleep, while protecting the main mattress from wear and tear. Top mattresses are made from a variety of materials, such as memory foam, latex, or natural materials, and can be of varying thickness and density depending on the needs of each user. With an upper layer you can improve your sleep quality and extend the life of your mattress.

Top layers are extra layers that are placed on top of the main mattress of our bed. They are designed to provide extra comfort and support during sleep, while protecting the main mattress from wear and tear. Top mattresses are made from a variety of materials, such as memory foam, latex, or natural materials, and can be of varying thickness and density depending on the needs of each user. With an upper layer you can improve your sleep quality and extend the life of your mattress.

117,00 217,80 
142,20 270,00 From
153,90 272,70 From
161,50 348,50 From
187,00 408,00 From
69,00 139,00 From