The information you provide on our website are subject to processing in accordance with those set out in the section "Privacy Policy of Protection of Personal Data". The provision of your information and your use of this web site, you declare that you have taken note of the Privacy policy of our company and you provide your consent for the processing of data and information that you provide to us. Further, you agree that all information and data that you provide to us is accurate and true.

The information stored has to do with 2 fields:

  • The creation and maintenance of customer account in our online shop for the purpose of easier roaming user, the immediate placement of an order and the tracking of orders. The data stored used strictly for the carrying out of orders.


Data Customer Account
Last name
Date. Birth
Address (probability of there being more than one)
Orders Customer
Amounts Of Orders
Purchased Products
Last messages between the client/e-shop
Latest missions automated message order
Latest client connections
Abandoned Baskets


  • Sending a message via the contact form of pandoraartshop.en where the customer enters the data with a view to the possibility of a response from the part to the message.


Data Contact Form
Reference Code Order



For the protection of data that is transmitted through the Website is used encryption software. The decryption of your data is extremely strong and is practically inviolable.



Like most sites on the internet, so in the we use cookies in order to recognise the user and offer you personalized services. More specifically, the page uses cookies _ga cookie_gat_gtag and _gid through the function of Google Analytics to track the mobility of the e-shop. Further is produced cookie e-shop which stores the information necessary for the correct operation of the e-shop. The information stored is the following:


Table Αποθηκεύσιμων Cookie Data
date_addThe date and time of creation of the cookie (in the form of a CHR.-Don'T.-EXP.: DETAILS.: SEC.)
id_langId of the selected display language of the e-shop
id_currencyId of the selected currency used in the e-shop
last_visited_categoryId of the last category of products that the user has visited
ajax_blockcart_displaySetting the basket on if it has been enlarged or reduced
viewedThe ids of the products that have recently appeared as a list of objects separated by commas.
id_wishlistId of the wish list (wishlist) that appears in the field wishlist
checkedTOSSetting that indicates whether the user has accepted the terms and conditions of use or not
id_guestVisitor id for users who have not created an account or are not logged on to their account
id_connectionsLogin id of the current session (session) of the visitor
id_customerCustomer id for users who are logged on to their account
customer_lastnameThe last name of the user
customer_firstnameThe name of the user
loggedSetting that indicates whether the user is logged in
passwdThe MD5 hash of the key of cookies as set out in the code of the e-shop, and the encrypted password used by the client for the entrance of the
emailThe e-mail address used by the client to come
id_cartThe id of the basket shown in the basket in the current phase
checksumThe checksum Blowfish, which is used to determine if the cookie has been modified by a third party. In the event that an alteration of a cookie, the client will be disconnected and the cookie will be automatically deleted.